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One day in a far village a women had a baby, she called him Mike.
It was a cold winter day they were very poor, he was very little and his mum tried to keep him warm.
Five years later, Mike was very big and healthy, they were living in a little informal house but they have each other so they were hapy.
One day Mike was playing at the street, suddenly he saw a beautiful light behind a tree, he stoped playing, and he was amazed the light had a magned that attraced him.
They mother saw him through the window, her hard was beating very fast, she begins to run to Mike but it was too late he had got the light between his hands.
His mother bigins to cry and sream, now she knows that his soon would never laugh and speak again.
The mother was very sad, and she knows that this light was the soul of a child, this happens every year at a different kid. The soul was a little boy who diet 150 years ago in the same place so he protect his place and he dind't want that nobody stand on it.
Mike was unhappy for all his life how the other kids that years ago were playing there.

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