April was playing in a park with her friends when she was abducted.
Bridger has been the 37th person to be sentacieted a whole life for killing the five years old April.
They family are absoulutly debastate, they can't think that it's true.
April's grandfathers saied that a whole life in prision is too good, that for some people should return the death penalty.
They haven't got the body of April, no one has found it and it still affects more if they don't know what is exactly happened to her. Bridger is the only who that knows.
But the researchers have found in his computer child sex images, and they think that he has a sexual mottivacion.
It is a terrible thing, the thing that I most hate is that good people in this cases always end worse, this girl had all the life by forward.
This man had psychological problems.
What it's very sad is that people like he that doctors know that he is mad didn't close they before.
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-22745664

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