Richard Quest, a journalist went to Abidjan
on the Ivory Coast in Africa to do a report about the economics of chocolate,
because it is a country where cocoa beans are produced.
He contacted farmers that produce cocoa beans and
learnt that they did not know exactly what they were creating. He saw that the
people were very poor, living in bad circumstances and he never say any
chocolate. They had never tasted any and produced it for their whole life. So
he offered them to taste a piece of a Kit Kat bar. They all were very contented, laughing and cheering.
Then they asked about the price for a Kit Kat and were
astonished that it is so expensive when they get so few for it.
It is incredible that these farmers do not know what
they are producing and how the product is once finished. It is a shame and it
seems the rich countries are only exploiting poor countries for their own
profit, paying them little and not helping to make them live a bit better.