

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela died on Thursday, 5th December 2013 at the age of 95.
He was a freedom fighter against  apartheid in South Africa which is the separation between black and white people. He was a radical fighter in his youth and was sent to prison, where they kept him for 27 years. After he was set free he became the president of South Africa because he was a hero for black and whites.
He tried to change the system of racial segregation peacefully without violence and was accepted by his own people and by most leaders in the whole world.
In South Africa they called him Madiba which was his tradicional name and when he was older many people only called him Tata, which means “father” in their dialect.
He has been ill during his last years, not appearing so often in public as before.

I think Nelson Mandela is one of the people we should all lean from. When he left prison he did not want revenge because he knew that it would only cause more civil wars. He was a very peaceful person like for example Mahatma Gandi.

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