Hello I'm Julia, I put this title to my presentacion because I want to talk about the travels I've done yet and the ones that I want to do in one future.
First of all, the first time that I travelled by plane was in 2002 I went to Germany, I've got family there so it wasn't the first time that I was there but the other times I went by car beacuse I was little and I was affraid to fly. In this photo you can see me, my two sisters and my cousins from there.
One time I flied I don't was afraid any more and I insist my parents to bring us to another travel so in the same year they bring us to Tenerife. I was very happy and it was very exaiting for me because I'll never see similar beaches before.
In 2003 we went to London, here you can see me and my sister Miriam infront a red bus, tipical from London. We visited several things but what I like most was Sherlock Holmes home
In 2004 we went to Lanzarote I don't remember ant things but I only know that the weather was not very good. Here you can see a photo of me and my two sisters in "La cueva de los verdes", a tipical place to visit.
In 2005 my parents decided to not travel by plane so we took a cruise, we went to Jamaica, la Habana, Mexico this photos wew tooken there.
In 2006 we returned to Mexico because my parents liked so mutch and they take us with them. In 2007 we went to Istambul it wasn´t hollidays it was more for knowing culutre and it was a little bit bored but it was good.
I don't have found any photos from this two lasts but they were good too.
In 2009 I went for the first time to Punta Cana, I think it was one of the bests travels that I do because the beaches were wondelful and the people was it too.
This first photo was tooken next to de pool with a domestic parrot of the hotel and in this other you can see me and my mum next to de beach.
Two years later, me, my mum and my sister went to Tenerife this ones were a very short hollidays because my mum had free from de work and she decided to took us with her to relax our selves.
One year later, in 2011, me and my gymnastics club went to Finland.
In the first photo you can see me and a friend doing rhytmic gymnastics it was for ans exibicion and in the second, here I am, it was gymnastics stetics
The first one is for an exibicion and the second one for the competicion.
And finaly I would talk about my traveling dreams.
If I could choose a place to go for having hollidays, beeing at the beach and some other thinks I would choose Punta Cana, because it was one of the bests hollidays for me because the people was very nice and its all so wonderful.
And if I could choose a place to go for knowing a bit more culture I would go to China because its a very different place from here and I will know more about it because I don't know anything . I think that the houses and all its very different and beautiful.
So this was my presentacion I hope you like it, any questions?
Self evaluation:
1- How I present my work.
I think that my work was good, I really put a lot of time to prepare it. I present it so good as I could.
And I think that it could be a little bit better but I'm really proud of it.
2- Body Language.
I utilized a good vocabulary, every time that I speack before I think how could I make it better and speack good. Finaly I think that it could be better too but it was good.
3- Structure.
I structured my blog with years, every travel I did.
And my prezi was a island were the travels were on it in order (simillar a treasure map).
I think I structured very good my presentacion and that de prezi was very original and nice.
4- Content.
I put a lot of thinks in my work but its true that I could put more thinks and explain more about all my travels because I do it a little bit general.
But I think that the work was interesting however.
5- Language.
I think that my language is good but it could be better. Because some times I say wrong things for exemple:
I don't was afraid any more it isn't don't it is
wasn't, and some other things like this.
I could better my language a lot but I think it is good.
I've got a good pronunciacion because my mother is from Germany and I
can speack it, English's pronuncacion and German's are very simillar.
But even so I pronunced bad "culture".