I'm very happy because it means that we have almost finished the course and now all of us will begin a new stage in our life.
First of all I will comparate the first post I've made in first of batxillerat with my current posts, the post that I choose is this one: http://juliaengilsh.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/rithmic-gymnasts.html.
I think that in this post I've expressed my feelings about my sport, now I don't do it anymore because I've had a lot of hours of training and I could not have enough hours to study...
Well I think that this post is pretty well written but I've notice an increment in my level because I remember that last year I take much time to do a post and I need help, but now I can write a good writing alone and much faster. My posts are longer and I write with more maturity, I choose too topics more interestings for adults because I think that I've matured a lot this year.
Now I will choose the post that I like most in my blog is: http://juliaengilsh.blogspot.com.es/2014/03/protest-in-kiev.html
I choose this new because I think that my news in the second term were very elaborated because I wanted to make them very well and I have invested a lot of time making them.
In this new I can see much more maturity, new words that I've introduced in my vocabulary and in general a more better writing and elaboration. Phrases are good linked and in general I'm proud of those increases.
My opinion about the blog method:
In one hand I think that this method is very good for students to catch a good habit writing english posts frequently. Pesonally I could see an increment in my posts and in my mature writing.
I think it motivates sutdents to see how you can reach a better vocabulary and writing in your own.
The news were very helpful because you must read, understand the text, summarize it and then give your opinion, it is a lot of time but at the end you will se that it is good time spend.
In the other hand I think that we spend a lot of time doing blog at home and most of students do it in the last week, I sometimes have done it too but I have tried to avoid it because if you do it with time you learn a lot more.
I think too that english classes must not me so much centered in wiritting we must learn to talk and express our selves with english because it is what we will use in the outside world, more classes must be inverted in speaking.
Tips for the next bloggers!
If you want to create a good blog and having a good mark in my opinion you must to be motivated to do it, don't leave it for the last week and try to bring it up bacause you will learn a lot!
Acomodate the blog with your stile, you will feel your self more confortable and you will be more satisfied!
I hope the tips will be usefull, but really this are obvious things that help a lot!
And this was my last post in the blog, I'm so excited to begin a new stage in my life and I'm proud of my work in this blog!
See you soon!
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